• Saturday, November 26, 2016

    US Election Result Update: Is Hillary about to be named president? As of the battled ground is about to be recount after advise from computer hacker experts

    Voters, casting their votes
    After a successful US presidential election on November 8, 2016 that saw the Republican candidate Donald Trump won, the Democrats supporters has filed for a recount of Wisconsin results recount, after experts of internet hackers in the US advise.

    George Martin, Wisconsin Green Party co-chairman, reacted saying its seeking a "reconciliation of paper records" a request that would go one step further than a simple recount, spurring, adding that an investigation into the integrity of the state's voting system.

    Furthermore Martin said: "This is a process, a first step to examine whether our electoral democracy is working".
    The election recount process will cost $2 million Green Party have already raised $5 million through Jill Stein fundraising blitz, as of recent $7 millions have now being raised so far.
    Stein went on to say, after the recounting process, the remainder of the money will be used to train candidates of Green Party for local offices.

    When asked by CNN about the process, Stein told: "We don't know, and we think the forensic computer experts have raised serious questions, what we do know is that this was a hack-riddled election, we saw hacks into voter databases, into party databases, into individual email accounts. 
    "We know that there were attempts made broadly on state voter databases and we know that we have an election system that relies a computer system that is wide open to hacks".
    "It's extremely vulnerable, Americans deserve to have confidence in our vote."
    Late Friday afternoon, the Wisconsin Elections Board said it had received the petition from Stein and the Green Party and "is preparing to move forward with a statewide recount of votes."
    "We have assembled an internal team to direct the recount, we have been in close consultation with our county clerk partners, and have arranged for legal representation by the Wisconsin Department of Justice," Wisconsin Elections Board Administrator Michael Haas said. 
    "We plan to hold a teleconference meeting for county clerks next week and anticipate the recount will begin late in the week after the Stein campaign has paid the recount fee, which we are still calculating." 
    It will be recalled that during campaign the Republican candidate Donald Trump, when asked if he will accept the election results of the election, it took him time to respond and later said if the results were suspicious, that he wouldn't accept the results but Hillary agreed to accept the outcome of the results.
    Mrs Hillary Clinton has not comment on the recounting process, she is been quiet since her last conceding speech.
    Trump defeated Hillary with than 60,000 votes and its not sure whether Wisconsin recounting will make any difference compare to the wide margin.
    Wisconsin was among the battled ground including Michigan and Pennsylvania.

    However the Trump campaign and his top advisers have dismissed the move as Kellyanne Conway, former campaign manager of Trump, who was fired by the president elect, said in Thanksgiving that their opponents were being sore losers and tweeted;

    "Look who 'can't accept the election results' Hillary Clinton Supporters Call for Vote Recount in Battleground States".

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