• Breaking News

    Monday, October 10, 2016

    US Election Update: Donald Trump took it out on Hillary Clinton but She was brave enough to resist all attacks

    Hillary Clinton and Donald Trum
    The Republican nominee Donald Trump denied and defended his disgusting remark for women and ever sexually assaulting women, but rather took it out on former US President Bill Clinton, that He (Bill Clinton) is the one that has assault women during his tenour as a President and even brought the women to the second US Presidential debate in which the first debate was won by Hillary Clinton.
    Donald Trump with the allege women
    "There's never been anybody in the history of politics that has been so abusive to women," Donal Trump added.

    But the Democrat presidential candidate refused to comment or defend her husband on the allegation leveled against her husband.

    When one of the moderators, Anderson Cooper asked Trump about the 2005 leaked disgusting tape where he was bragging about using women and groping them,  that was when he started attacking Mr Bill Clinton.

    But when pressed on whether he had engaged in sexual misconduct with any women, he denied doing so and instead focused on Mr Clinton's previous indiscretions.

    Even after Mr Bill has been accused severally of sexual assaults, no criminal charges has been brought against him.

    Reacting to the leaked video, Mrs Clinton said the explosive video, which has sparked an exodus of Republicans denying support to their presidential nominee, showed who Mr Trump really was.

    "With prior Republican nominees, I disagreed with them," she added, "but I never questioned their fitness to serve.

    "I think it's clear to anyone who heard (the video) that it represents exactly who he is."

    It will be recall that when both came on stage there were no handshakes between them but after the debate was over, the handshakes came along. I guess it was because of the tension?
    Melanie Trump and Bill Clinton shaking hands
    But the pairs of both shook hands before the second presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton stated.

    Mr Trump said if he won, he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Mrs Clinton and she would be in prison over her private email arrangements.

    "Everything he just said is absolutely false but I'm not surprised," she responded. "It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country."

    "Because you'd be in jail," he interrupted.

    Mr Trump also said his Democratic rival "has tremendous hate in her heart" while criticizing her for referring to his supporters as "deplorables".

    Mrs Clinton said she apologized for the comment, adding: "My argument is not with his supporters, it's with him, about the hateful and divisive campaign he has run."

    When asked if there is anything or character they admire in each other by one of the audience.
    Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton without looking at each other
    Hillary Clinton said: "I have respect for Donald Trump children, they are healthy, strong and that represents who Donald Trump is also that she is a mother and a grandmother that she promise to fight for the younger generations if elected as a US President".

    Donald Trump reacted by saying: " One thing i respect about her is that she is a fighter and never back-down even as much as i disagree on what she is fighting for and her judgement in many cases but she does fight her and never quit and I consider that as a very good trail".

    The third and final presidential debate which will be on October 19th in the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

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