• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 2, 2016

    US Election Update: The Republican presidential candidate Mr Donald Trump is said to be leading in must win state of Florida

    Mr Donald J. Trump
    In the current report of US presidential election, the Republican candidate is said to be leading in a must win state of Florida according to Newsnight pollster.

    Crystal Ball polling tracker, Larry Sabato revealed that Mr Trump is currently leading with a slight margin in the state of Florida, also that a lot of people in Florida "despise" the Democrat presidential candidate Mrs Hillary Clinton, so in that reason they have decided to turn to Donald Trump of the Republican party.

    "The place he must win is Florida, it has 29 electoral votes, he cannot possibly win without Florida.

    "But Trump is a tiny bit ahead. But Trump has spent his money on rally and TV ads and not people on the ground.

    "As much as some Republicans don’t like Trump, they despise Hillary Clinton and what has hurt Clinton more than anything else is the FBI’s decision to essentially reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

    "It really has hurt her. It has taken a lot of leaning Republicans into Trump’s category. I doubt Clinton can win them back," Sabato told BBC programme.

    The margin shown in a current national poll results, the Republican candidate is on 46 per cent, while Clinton is on 45 per cent, and is the first time Trump is leading Hillary since the beginning of campaign.

    Mr Trump overtook Hillary immediately the FBI made an announcement last Friday of reopening the email that were currently sent through the Democrat candidate's private server, that those email could contain classified materials.

    Sabato further said: "Clinton needs to stop talking about the emails and develop a line of attack that will last until Tuesday."

    Another Newsnight presenter Emily Maitlis also said Mr Trump is commanding a lead in the "enthusiasm poll."

    "ABC gave Trump a one point lead. But numbers show an enthusiasm gap. If you ask voters who they are most enthusiastic for, Trump has an eight point lead over Clinton among their own supporters.

    "There is a boost for Trump for those who are leaning Republican and Clinton is slipping a bit, those who are Democrat or Democrat leaning could now favour Trump," Emily added.

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