• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 8, 2016

    No room for same-sex marriage in Australia says parliament

    Image result for No room for same-sex marriage in Australia says parliament
    There will be no same-sex marriage in Australia after upper house of parliament blocked and voted against the bill to legalize the bill of same-sex marriage.

    Australia government said a non-binding ballot, or plebiscite, was the quickest way to armed the marriage bill Act that is a serious issue in the country.

    Australians are practicing same-sex marriage and majority believes in it but nationally is not recognized and approve into the Australia law.

    Even the opposition parties and leaders of parliament also support same-sex marriage but its not recognized by the nation's law.

    After the rejection of the bill, it means for now the bill will be taken out of the agenda and maybe will be reconsidered in the next parliament seating.

    .Marriage equality has proved a tricky issue for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. He is personally in favour of same-sex marriage but is reluctant to allow his own MPs a free vote on the issue.
    Gay couple in tears
    Labor Senator Penny Wong told parliament that, after much soul-searching, she had decided to oppose the plebiscite.

    "We do not want our families and our children publicly denigrated," she said.

    "This hate speech is not abstract, it is real, it is part of our daily life."

    Greens Senator Janet Rice spoke about the challenges of her 30-year marriage to transgender woman Penny.

    "We know that our same-sex marriage is just as important and valid and deep and wonderful and loving as our heterosexual one was," she said.

    "People's human rights should not be subject to a popular vote."

    Attorney-General George Brandis accused the Labor Party of "playing politics with gay people's lives".

    "A vote against this bill is a vote against marriage equality," Senator Brandis told parliament.

    "Those who claim to believe in marriage equality, but nevertheless, for their own cynical, game-playing reasons, are determined to vote against it, should hang their heads in shame."

    Labor announced last month that it would not support the bill, condemning it to fail in the senate this week.

    The move was celebrated by same-sex marriage supporters who widely favour the issue being voted on by parliament, without the need to put it to the public.

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