• Breaking News

    Friday, November 4, 2016

    Military training base in Jordan has confirmed three U.S. Service Members dead after gun shots

    Image result for Military training base in Jordan has confirmed three U.S. Service Members dead after gun shots
    Military training in Jordanian training ground 
    Three U.S. service members were killed in Jordan on Friday after a vehicle he was in was involved in an exchange of fire at the gates of a military training facility, two American officials told NBC News.

    The trio were in vehicles approaching Prince Faisal Airbase when they came under small-arms fire, a U.S. military official and a U.S. official said on condition of anonymity.

    Initial reports said that one was killed and two injured, but the two wounded Americans later died in hospital, the officials added.

    The Pentagon was expected to release an official statement later Friday.

    Jordan is a key U.S. ally and is participating in the American-led coalition fighting to defeat ISIS. The kingdom has deployed troops, launched airstrikes on ISIS targets and also hosts F-16 fighter jets in the area to strike the terror group.

    But Jordan's role in the war against ISIS has raised disquiet among some Jordanians about instability on their borders, according to Reuters.

    The incident follows a shooting just over a year ago when a Jordanian police officer gunned down two American contractors and their South African colleague at a U.S.-funded police training center in Amman.

    Source: NBC-News

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