• Breaking News

    Friday, November 4, 2016

    Kurdish populated city in Southeast of Turkey hit by explosion killing at least one and more than dozens injured

    Image result for Kurdish populated city in Southeast of Turkey hit by explosion killing at least one and more than dozens injured
    It is a sad moment moment and morning in Southeast of Turkey were Kurdish are mainly residence was hit by an explosion living at least one dead and more than dozens injured as at the time of this report.

    So far ambulances are seen conveying to the scene to attend to affected persons, the explosion is said to had happened in a closed range of a police station after co-leaders of the countries's main pro-Kurdish party and nine other MP's were arrested by police, Selahattin Demirtas of the People's Democratic Party (HDP) and his chairperson Figen Yuksekdag held in the capital of Turkey Ankara.
    Image result for Kurdish populated city in Southeast of Turkey hit by explosion killing at least one and more than dozens injured
    Selahattin detained in his home in Diyarbakir
    Selahattin is said to had been detained in his home in Diyarbakir in Southeast of Turkey were Kurdish citizens are highly populated, they are being charged of influencing terrorism.

    Ever since the failed military coup in around July, President Tayyip Recep Erdogan placed a state of emergency in Turkey in order to secure his government reign and there have been a lot of arrests and closures of schools and ministries said to had been in connection with the coup.

    The two Kurdish political activist currently in detention are said to had been in connection with a large-scale operation against the HDP, which has majority seats (59 seats) in the Turkish parliament.

    They are also being accused of spreading propaganda for the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party PKK, according to NTV television station, also with Demirtas violently provoking deadly protest in October 2014 and since then there are other thirteen staffs from the opposition Cumhuriyeti newspaper, together with the editor-in-chief were detained on Monday, further heightening strains in Turkish society.

    This uprising have claimed hundreds of lives with regular attacks between the Turkish security forces and the Kurdish militants, with both police and military falling in victim since 2015.

    The Turkey's Kurdish minority (HDP) is said to be fighting for the rights of women, gays and their workers as well as promoting their cause of fighting for what they feel is their rights.

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