• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 8, 2016

    Fight of terrorism in Germany: ISIS recruiters have landed in the net of Germany police

    Image result for germany police
    Germany police force
    There have been trooping in of refugees from Syria and parts of Africa countries to various European countries in the last several months now but Germany is the most of the migrants destination after Councilor Angela Merkel instruct Germany's border to be open.

    The directives have brought a lot of criticisms of government of Merkel from the opposition party and majority Germans, leading to the highest political election defeat to Merkel's party weeks back.

    Recent investigation by German police, discovered some five ISIS recruiters, together with a senior Islamic figure in the force, who are said to be responsible of coordinating attacks in Germany.
    Image result for Abu walaa islamic preacher without face
    Ahmad Abdelazziz A.
    German police raided flats in northern and western Germany including a mosque near Hanover, which yield the arrest of an Iraqi whose name is Abu Walaa, alias "the preacher without a face"

    Germany's NDR TV has identified him as Ahmad Abdelazziz A.

    The raids came as a result of information from a 22-year-old jihadist who spent several months with IS in Syria before fleeing to Turkey, it said.

    Before returning to Germany in late September, the man, named Anil O, gave an interview in which he referred to Abu Walaa as "IS's number one in Germany".

    All five men held are suspected of recruiting jihadists for IS and providing help for their journey to the conflict zone. They deny any link to terrorism.

    The mosque in Hildesheim at the centre of Tuesday's police raids has been highlighted by authorities before as heavily involved in radical Salafist Islam.

    Abu Walaa, who was arrested just outside Hildesheim, became known as "the preacher without a face" because of a series of internet videos in which he appeared clothed in black with his back to the camera.

    Last week, police in Berlin arrested a Syrian man on suspicion of receiving instructions from IS to carry out an attack in Germany.

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