• Breaking News

    Friday, October 28, 2016

    Russia woes has added again the West after it failed to be re-elected into the United Nations Rights Council as Croatia and Hungary soar

    Vladimir Putin
    After a tough competition, Russia were beating by Hungary and Croatia when election was conducted by UN between Russia, Croatia and Hungary to decide whether Russia will join United Nations Rights Council.

    One hundred and ninety three members voted, Russia got the lowest votes with 112, Croatia got 114 votes and Hungary got 144 votes.

    With the results of the votes, it means Russia has failed to be re-elected into being a member of the UN General Assembly.
    Vitaly Churkin, the Russian UN Ambassador reacted to the outcome of the results and said: "Moscow had faced good competition".

    "It was a very close vote, "Croatia, Hungary they are fortunate because of their size they are not as exposed to the winds of international diplomacy; Russia is quite exposed."

    "We have been there a number of years, I'm sure next time we're going to get in," he added.

    Russian air power has been backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces in the country's nearly six-year war.

    A recent offensive to capture eastern Aleppo the rebel-held half of Syria's largest city has sparked international outrage.

    Russia's three-year term on the 47-member Geneva-based Human Rights Council will finish on December 31.

    It had been competing for a second three-year term.

    Council members cannot serve more than two consecutive terms.

    "UN member states have sent a strong message to the Kremlin about its support for a regime that has perpetrated so much atrocity in Syria," said Louis Charbonneau, U.N. director at Human Rights Watch.

    The United States, Egypt, Rwanda, Tunisia, Iraq and Japan were elected to the body, while Saudi Arabia, China, South Africa and Britain won a second terms.

    Their candidacies were uncontested but needed to win a majority vote.

    In the other competitive slate, Cuba and Brazil beat out Guatemala.

    "The re-election of China, Cuba and Saudi Arabia - regimes which systematically violate the human rights of their citizens casts a shadow upon the reputation of the United Nations," said U.N. Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer."

    A Saudi Arabia-led military campaign in Yemen has been criticized for killing civilians. UN sanctions monitors have accused the Saudi-led coalition, Houthi rebels and Yemen government troops of violating international humanitarian and human rights laws.

    It comes as Putin announced the resumption of air strikes in Syria's Aleppo would be unnecessary for now.

    The Russian premier rejected resuming the strikes in order to give the United States time to separate terrorist groups from the moderate opposition and to allow militants and civilians to leave Aleppo, a government spokesman said.

    However, Russia reserves the right to use all of its means and force to support Syrian army, he added.

    Source: Mirror

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