• Breaking News

    Friday, October 7, 2016

    Meet the Super-slimmer Chloe Munnings who has spent £27,000 for plastic surgery because she was a subject of bullies

    Chlloe Munnings
    Chloe Munnings, 24, spent £27,000 on a surgery that saw her had two boob jobs that her size from 34B to 34FF, also a nose job, lip and cheek fillers, Botox and veneers and even said she is still planning more, adding she said she is elegant and no 'bimbo'.
    Ever since she spent such amount on her surgery, she has attracted alot of fans on social media as well as gaining more recognition.
    Chloe Munnings, 24, claims her obsession began when she started getting more attention from guys after losing a staggering four-and-a-half stone.
    Before and after
    “I have a very specific idea of perfect now and that’s having big boobs, big lips, a small nose and a tiny waist.

    “I’m not into the ‘bimbo’ look - I’m trying to remain as elegant as possible with my surgeries.

    “And when I want something I get it and will do whatever it takes.”

    “Growing up, I was a bullied for being overweight and I felt ugly," she explains.

    “When I lost weight, I assumed that all my insecurities would go away.

    "But instead, I started to get more attention for my appearance which made me more paranoid than ever.

    “That’s when my obsession with cosmetic surgery and self-improvement began.

    “It’s been a difficult process. And although weightloss and surgery has improved my life in certain ways, it’s given me new anxieties and I do get a lot of criticism from other women.

    "There’s definitely ups and downs to my situation.”

    Despite looking stunning already, Chloe now plans on getting even more surgery including a breast augmentation and a fat transfer Brazilian butt lift as well as booking another nose job in Iran to give her the exact shape she clamour for.

    Chloe further explains: “I definitely get a buzz from plastic surgery but once that buzz is gone, I crave more and start looking for my next procedure.

    "I have my idea of perfect and I will achieve it no matter what.”

    Chloe weighed 14.5 before taking the journey of making herself who she is presently but before then she suffered low self-esteem about her larger size which led to cruel bullies from public.

    She says: “Growing up, I felt fat, ugly and unattractive. And I was bullied at school about my weight and appearance.

    “I decided I had enough of being miserable about my looks and decided to go on a diet.

    “Within a year, I had lost four stone. I was complimented on my appearance more and I started to get noticed a lot more by men. But all this attention made me more self-aware and I became obsessed with improving my looks.

    “The process of cosmetic surgery was a very difficult and painful one but I worked very hard to get the money to pay for the operations.”

    She explains: “I really enjoy the thrill and build-up of getting surgery but as soon as I got some work done, I wanted something else tweaked,

    “The more and more surgery I had, the more male attention I received and the more modelling work I got. But at the same time, I get more and more paranoid about my looks.

    “Since having surgery, I get a lot of criticism from women and I get nasty looks when I go out.

    "It’s a bittersweet situation.”

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