• Breaking News

    Friday, October 28, 2016

    Meet a 20-year-old Russian Student, that bought lace lingerie to make Syria trip in order to meet ISIS jihadist she met online later fell in love with the terrorist

    Varvara Karaulova in custody
    A 20-year-old Russian female student has been caught while trying to travel to Syria to meet his love, she met online before she was stopped by Turkish police in the border between Turkey and Syria.

    Varvara Karaulova, has admitted she tipped him off about Russian secret services being monitoring their conversations to nail him down.
    She is said to have been stopped at the Turkish-Syrian border while she was on her way to see fanatic Airat Samatov by Turkish intelligence.
    Then after being deported back to Moscow, Karaulova agreed to help the Russian Federal 'Security Service' (FSB) mount a sting operation centred on him.
    Samatov, ISIS (Terrorist)
    Samatov, 36, and his accomplices are feared to be organised recruiters of potential women suicide bombers.

    But yesterday she admitted to a judge that she told the jihadist that the secret agents were bugging their conversations.
     Karaulova faces up to ten years in jail if convicted of seeking to join a jihadist group called Badr which includes many ethnic Chechens from southern Russia.

    Earlier she and her family claimed that packing sexy lingerie and bed linen for her trip proved she was not travelling to Syria to become a terrorist or even a suicide bomber but because she "loved" Samatov who she had only met online.

    However Karaulova's story appears to be gradually unravelling in a Moscow military court.

    She told how after she was halted at the border and reunited with her parents, she ended her plans to go to Syria because although she "loved" Samatov, the student loved her mother and father "more" and did not want to "hurt" them.

    She agreed to assist the FSB by continuing to talk to the suspected terrorist on the internet, knowing that her conversations were being monitored by the FSB.

    But then she tipped him off via a "messenger" that the secret service were trying to compromise him, she admitted.
    Varvara Karaulova
    She also used various other names online to hide her identity in chatting to her jihadist, and was actively plotting another attempt to reach Syria, said prosecutors.

    "I felt very lonely, I loved him, I missed him very much," she wept.

    "At that moment I was sure that he was concerned about me.

    "At first I just wanted to tell that I was okay, but then I just could not stop."

    She did not want him to come to any "harm".

    In one message to her, he told her: "I wish I am sent to Russia to blow up something."

    Yet she also admitted that earlier, before her trip, when Samatov had disappeared for two months she abruptly went through an online "wedding ceremony" with another jihadist.

    He sent her £200 for a trip to Syria before Samatov reappeared and demanded she return to him, which she did.

    "I was missing Samatov," she said.

    "He asked me to forgive me for another girl he had at this time. I was desperate for him to call me to join him."

    Prosecutors told the court she had undertaken physical and combat training and "was, for that reason, capable of fulfilling any tasks."

    Yet according to her testimony she had a naive and starry-eyed view about ISIS, despite being a high-flying A-grade university student.

    She claimed she had not followed the news and was attracted to travelling to meet her jihadists beau because "ISIS is a country that cares for its people".

    Under questioning from the judge, she said: "People don't smoke there nor drink alcohol."

    She testified: "It is a country where the main goal is not to make money but to care for people and children."

    Denying she was being recruited as a suicide bomber, she said: "A woman is treated like a treasure.

    "She is valued for her brain and abilities and not only for her beauty."

    Claiming in court she was motivated only by love, she said: "I have not joined anything.

    "I am not a terrorist and I was certainly not going to become one.

    "When these words about suicide bombers are uttered, I don't know even what word to choose.

    "It's impossible even to listen to all these things."

    Investigation still in progress.............

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