• Breaking News

    Friday, June 17, 2016

    A Drunk Customer left Restaurant 700 pounds Tip and later came back for collection

    A Certain Customer left a Restaurant the sum of 700 pounds as tip after eating meal of 42 pounds but later came back to collect it as he was drunk

    "We’ve all had moments when we’re unduly generous after having one too many drinks.

    "But it’s probably not on the scale of one diner, who mistakenly left a £700 tip for a £42 bill, before begrudgingly returning to correct his mistake.

    "The unnamed man was dining at the Thailicious restaurant in Edgewater, Colorado, when he gave his meal a seemingly glowing endorsement - in the form of a $1,000 tip.

    "The waiter was understandably thrilled, but took it to boss Bee Anantatho- who had a sneaking suspicion that the tip might be a mistake, and told her staff to keep hold of it overnight.

    "Describing the waiter’s reaction, Bee said: ‘He said he’d read a lot of stories like this, but usually the tip is a couple of hundred dollars, not $1,000.

    "The generous diner returned the next morning with some explaining to do - and a rather sore head.

    ‘He said, “I’m sorry, I was drunk. He didn’t know he put all the money he had in the check book”’, Bee explained.

    But the diner still appreciated the staff’s efforts in keeping his money - and rewarded them with a more realistic tip of £28.

    In short, it’s a cautionary lesson about spending money when you’ve had one too many.

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