• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 8, 2016

    US Election Update: Son of Donald Trump Eric Trump, shows off after voting illegal pic of ballot paper on his twitter account

    Image result for eric trump
    Eric Trump
    THE Twitter account of Donald Trump's son Eric has shared a photo of a ballot paper - a practice illegal in the state of New York.
    Mr Trump Jnr's account proudly showed off the polling slip clearly showing a vote for his father.

    His account tweeted: "It is an incredible honour to vote for my father! He will do such a great job for the USA!"

    But it is against election law in the state of New York to share a picture of an official election ballot.

    There is a legal grey area in most states but it is illegal in New York and at least 17 other US states to publicly share a photo of a ballot.

    In New York, it is illegal to not only share a photo of a complete ballot, but also to indicate how a person cast their vote.

    And the law was upheld when it was subject to a legal challenge just last week.

    Manhattan Federal Judge P. Kevin Castel ruled last Thursday that it was to close to election day to change the law even if he wanted to.

    And he said there were good reasons why New York deemed the practice a misdemeanor.

    He told the court: "Those taking ballot selfies inside a polling place may inadvertently capture the ballots of other voters who did not wish to have their ballots publicized."

    He might face charges at the end of the election but the tweet has since been removed from his account.

    Source: Express.............

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