• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 22, 2016

    The First ever woman to had reached the tip top of Mount Everest dies at the age of 77

    Junko Tabei
    Junko Tabei, a Japanese that was ever first woman to get to the tip of Mount Everest has died at the age of 77, family source says.

    She did not only first the first ever woman to had reached the top of Mount Everest at the age of 35 in 1975 but also climbed all the seven world tallest/highest mountains in 1992.
    Junko Tabei climbing a rock face in 2008
    Tabei died in Saitama city hospital after she was diagnosed of cancer of the abdomen.

    Junko Tabei was last on Mount Fuji in July alongside some school students in 2011, she is from Fukushima a town known to had been badly affected by tsumani.

    Tabei expressed her satisfaction to 'Japan Times' in the way her ascent was viewed consigning her career in 2012.

    "Back in 1970s Japan, it was still widely considered that men were the ones to work outside and women would stay at home.

    "Even women who had jobs they were asked just to serve tea. So it was unthinkable for them to be promoted in their workplaces."

    Before Tabei she became the first woman to had reached the tip of Mount Everest, 12 days before her feet was swept away in an avalanche on the mountain, she was dug out by a guide before continuing her journey.

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